I'm so like. UGHGGGAAA. And the times like these.
I am not very good at waiting.... This is how I wait let me illustrate.
Okay I'm waiting........still waiting.............ummmm I guess I will STILL WAIT.................. uh hello?.............OH MY GOODNESS I" SO OVER WAITING...............................................
Or something like that the point is. I'm not very good at it. I don't know why I'm not good at waiting, it's just not how I was made. I get and fidgety, and restless, and then I frustrated. I get confused when I feel God gives me all these dreams and ideas and then he tells me to wait. And I'm so like. UGHGGGAAA
But I think it's in the URRRRRGAAAAA times that we are really molding what these dreams that God has given us will actually look like. It's not fun, or enjoyable and to be honest I don't always know why it's nessacery. But God knows, and I trust him with everything. So why it's not always fun I'm trusting that letting God have even the times I am waiting, and not just the awesome big HUZAH moments will make my dreams come true.
I hope some of this made since, because I am in a waiting time right now (somewhere in-between lunch and dinner) and I don't know how much since I am making. But hopefully you can find something that speaks to you.
I'm off to wait some more.