I Need A Love Letter.
We all want, desire, need, to be written a love letter, from someone. This was the one written to you by the person who designed you and loves you more than anyone ever will.
Please visit this website and share it with anyone you know who needs to hear this love letter.
Dear Everyone,
Blessed are the ones who realize that they have nothing to offer. The ones who are at the end or their rope-they are the queens and kings of the place we are going.
Blessed are the ones who have had terrible, awful, life ripping things happen to them. Things that hurt, so, so, badly it feels like the pain just won’t end. Things that on their own, they can’t heal-they are the ones that will rule this world that seems rule them. They will rule this world that seems to never hold the punches.
Blessed are the ones who are never satisfied with just okay. The ones who haven't given up. The ones who, when they fall down, they get up again and try one more time. Because they believe good is worth fighting for. They will be the ones who taste the sweet taste of satisfaction.
Blessed are the ones who have the chance, even the right to carry out revenge on someone who has hurt them-And don't, and instead show love. They are the ones who, when it is their turn to be paid back, will receive mercy and love instead of angry justice.
Blessed are the ones that no matter how many scars or dirty things they have done or had happen to them, choose to live in light and purity. the people who long to be clean and holy. They my friends will be the ones who feel and see God with their own eyes.
Blessed are the ones who stand up for what they know is right. They will get made fun of, beat up, rejected, hurt and left. The ones who do the right thing even if it means being alone. Because when they do that what is right, God sees and is going to put them on top for their willingness to be on the bottom of the stack. They will rule for choosing to be an outcast for standing up for what right.
Blessed are YOU when people all around you, your friends, family, coworkers, and strangers make fun of you, tell rumors, even make up terrible things about you because you follow me. I am telling you, Be happy when this happens, because I have an amazing consolation prize for you when you take that for me. Just like the heroes before you who gave an amazing picture of what it looks like to live for me. It's worth it I promise, I promise, I promise, I promise.
I love you SO, SO much
Please go to this website and pass on to those you know need to hear these words.