Going Home
In the past months I have gone home three times. But each home was entirely different…
I wen’t home to Colorado, the home where I grew up. I existed in the house that watched my coming-of-age story unfold. The place that holds the memories of family traditions who’s walls still echo with the laughter, conversations, and life that happened inside them to form me into the man I am today.
Then, I went home to The United Kingdom, the home of my ancestors, where I walked along the shores, in the fields, and through the very same streets my familial predecessors walked, never knowing who I was, but living their life so I could exist.
Then I went home to California, the home I am making. The home I have chosen to create a life in and the place where daily I tell my story inside. I returned to my small apartment where I’ll continue to write my books, audition for movies, and chase the dreams God has placed on my heart.
All this going home has gotten me thinking about the concept that lays in the hearts of every human. We all have an intrinsic longing for home, even those of us who have never experienced it in a positive way, still long to find a safe and life-giving place that tells us who we are, why we’re here, and where we’re headed. This desire for home is something that’s coded into our very humanity as if we were made to long for a “somewhere”. And while we can attribute this to only an earthly desire, I think perhaps there’s something more eternal that lays inside it. While I could go on and on about what I think that might be, I’ll leave you with a quote from C.S. Lewis who said it better than I ever could.
“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”
Until next time,